By ChubbyPanda - 08/08/2016 22:49

Today, after not moving at work all day, I decided to be healthy and walk home. Now my thighs are numb from rubbing together. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 845
You deserved it 3 623

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Look at the bright side, if your thighs touch you're one step closer to becoming a mermaid!

Build new good habits and keep walking. A sedentary lifestyle is far more dangerous than an active one. Think of your heart health and keep walking.


Build new good habits and keep walking. A sedentary lifestyle is far more dangerous than an active one. Think of your heart health and keep walking.

Rawrshi 25

Monastat makes a chafing powder-gel that works wonders for preventing rubbing your thighs raw and isn't expensive at all (under $10). Don't be discouraged and it gets easier. Like #1 said, just keep going because being active is far better than doing nothing at all.

I saw this as kind of the same thing as getting aching muscles after working out, might feel bad now but it won't get better unless you continue.

Look at the bright side, if your thighs touch you're one step closer to becoming a mermaid!

Don't forget being able to catch your phone if you drop it while on the toilet...

where has this explanation of mermaidness been all my life!

Another bright side to the situation is that OP'S thighs were just numb! It seems that most people I'm aware of experience some serious, raw, burning pain when their thighs chafe. Especially during intense exercise, since sweat can run over the sores and further aggravate the discomfort... *shudders* All the unpleasantness aside, good on you OP. Kudos for starting a healthy activity; your body will thank you and reap benefits if you stick with it.

If your thighs touch, then your are currently a manatee, but there is hope. Keep being active and then become a mermaid!

Or crushing skulls between your thighs!!

MikaykayUnicorn 36

My thighs have bled from rubbing together. OP is lucky. But I still feel her pain.

That will eventually stop, and you'll be glad you went through it later. Take care of yourself, op. Walking has way more health benefits than just weight loss.

You're looking at it all wrong. Thighs rubbing together generate friction, which in turn generates energy. It's the next best renewable energy source, and you'll be hailed as the savior of all mankind.

Rumor has it that it starts fires as well.

This is why I use plenty of lube on my walks. Sure I get stares and shocked gasps from passersby when I need to apply more, but the intercrural bliss is worth it!

2 of my friends actually put deodorant on their inner thighs to prevent chafing lol

I'm sorry, but this post is not worthy of being an FML.

I'm sorry, but your reply is not worthy of being in the comment section.

shepardkinz 19

You clearly have never experienced this kind of pain.

Nothing that some good hard sex won't fix.

keep it up that's where it all starts the first six months are the hardest