Check these out!

By BoobSicle - 17/04/2010 23:37 - United States

Today, I took a picture of my boobs and sent it to my boyfriend, only to realize after I hit "Send" that I had sent them to the taxi driver (my last phone call) who had just dropped me off at my house. He won't stop calling my phone now. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 600
You deserved it 57 628

Same thing different taste

Top comments

send a picture of ur bfs d!ck to him, that'll straighten him out


cooldude2 0

why would you even get ur taxi drivers number?

loski87 4

should have paid more attention

norcal530 0

Well can I get that picture I need to see if your telling the truth for this fml

elizanena9 0

" ludacris are you over there sexting? Ha! Ha! lol! omg! kit!..." Damnit! Now it's stuck in my head!

hey look at it this way, now you have a methed out taxi driver who is probaly going to wear your skin to his birthday. it's hard to find new friends!

HAHA that's what you get for swxting *****(:

perdix 29

Good news: You now can have all the free rides you want. Bad news: They are only of the mustache kind. (Unless he's good at it, and in that case, it's better news!)