Called out but accurate

By brittbrat4 - 05/07/2011 00:25 - United States

Today, I was jamming out in my car, tapping my fingers on the wheel and bobbing my head. At the next stoplight, I happened to look over and the passenger of the car next to me was holding a sign in the window saying, "I bet you don't have a boyfriend, do you?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 669
You deserved it 6 374

Same thing different taste

Top comments


I don't have A boyfriend, I have two. ;)

kangaru1 0

F them. you live your life by the moment and do as you wish. Enjoy it.

emodude44 0

Your car Your funk The world can Deal with it

Karnadas 1

If I were there, I'd totally pretend to be your boyfriend to get them off your back. Sounds like you were having a great time, and that's a good thing in my book :D

Wow, what a ********! I often bob my head or sing along quietly to the track I am listening to when I walk down the street! That shows that you are happy, and nothing else! What happened to you was totally uncalled for!

Late_night83 25

was he maybe asking u out?? lol

Show em the bird its the universal symbol to answer any questions ;)

creedaddict 9

you should off gave him the finger .... u party on dudette !!!!!

The passenger? As in, not the driver? **** what the passenger thinks! He/she isn't driving so their opinion doesn't matter. You keep jamming, op.