Cool moves

By Anonymous - 06/07/2009 22:36 - United States

Today, I was in my car and a cute guy pulled up next to me. He looked at me and smiled, but in order to be cool, I pretended not to notice. I also pretended that I was listening to music and was completely absorbed in it, singing passionately. I wasn't even listening to music and my window was down. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 020
You deserved it 82 826

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You found him cute but didnt want to smile back. Fyi, guys really hate it when girls play hard to get.

"but in order to be cool, " Automatic YDI. Stop trying to be "cool". Try being friendly and just be yourself. Much better than being cool. If you think he's cute just smile back.


yellowberri 0
smoeguy159 0

go to

"but in order to be cool" ohh yess that works..

Randen_fml 0

anytime I see "trying to be cool" it's an immediate YDI

mkmtrumpeter 0

Hmmm... hopefully you're not a horrific singer :D

Pretending not to notice someone isn't cool, it is a dick thing to do. And honestly how hard could it have been to smile at him, or to not default to singing without music?

swooshq 0

I know! I hate these FMLs where people pretend not to notice their crush/cute person and just end up looking like a douchebag because of what they did while playing hard to get.

busted. but you do not gain anything by doing that

chimmy 0

agreed... who thinks its "cool" to be singing passionately in the car? ydi

NDnation44 0

thank-you. since when is it cool to sing in the car by yourself?

You found him cute but didnt want to smile back. Fyi, guys really hate it when girls play hard to get.

Well said. Thank wasn't being cool, that was a girl never getting into a serious relationship then later in life asking God why no one ever takes her seriously.

#7, I disagree. There's a difference between "dancing the dance savvy-like" and "acting uninterested and dismissive, figuring the guy will read your mind." Who hits on a woman who acts like she's 100% not interested? Creepers and assholes. OP, does this explain some trends...?

absolutely. everybody needs to quit playing these stupid ******* mind games and just let someone know you're interested.

I'm in total agreement with #52. Do you really want to make creepiness a prerequisite for getting your attention?

"but in order to be cool, " Automatic YDI. Stop trying to be "cool". Try being friendly and just be yourself. Much better than being cool. If you think he's cute just smile back.

Wow, uhh... YDI. IF you REALLY wanted to impress him, bump some Barry Manilow and sing to that. He'll purr like a manatee, trust me.

Amphysvena 11
ashole1990 10

im pretty sure they only purr like a walrus when you shave their back ;]

Well, I've never heard a walrus purr, but my pet manatee purrs all the time. Her name is Snuggles. :D