Blood sausage

By it should hurt to be that dumb! - 22/10/2021 17:00 - United States

Today, I had to fire a line cook. While walking through the kitchen, I noticed a cut on his hand. When I demanded to know why it wasn’t bandaged and gloved, he scoffed and said "Real men don’t need that shit! Bandaids are for pussies!” Who knows how much of the kitchen this moron contaminated. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 173
You deserved it 85

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Or how many customers you've turned into vampires.

george1986 7

what a dumb ass!OP you made the right decision


Or how many customers you've turned into vampires.

george1986 7

what a dumb ass!OP you made the right decision

kilobravo 12

Well I suppose he could apply to the show Hell’s Kitchen. They do seem to attract people of this caliber for the Fox TV Entertainment factor.