Bizarre love triangle

By sunburychick - 13/09/2009 09:27 - Australia

Today, I realised that the man who I wanted to be with, the man who wanted to be with me, and my husband were three different people. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 846
You deserved it 26 141

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You probably should have "realized" this before you got married. YDI for marrying someone you don't want to be with.

Did you know the person reading this, the person who gives a damn, and your therapist are 3 different people too?


#109 The family? Who ever said the OP has kids? The only family that we know exists is the husband and he doesn't want to be with her. Besides, I assure you I'm much better off with my parents seperated. Divorce doesn't always hurt the kids. No, I care about things and people other than myself. But, since we could tell by the OP that the marriage is good for niether the OP nor her husband, it would be cruel to force them to stay in the marriage. Learn to love? I've never heard that phrase. Umm, not necessarily. You should be able to make sacrifices for your relationship, but that doesn't mean the other person will love them. Besides, if the OP doesn't want to be with her husband why the **** would she make sacrifices to make him love her? I'm not an individualist, I just don't think people should stay with people they don't want to be with for no good reason.

littlegirl12_fml 0

This is not a fml. is supposed to actually be funny in some way. This is something you would read on some white trash 15 year olds' myspace in glitter and blinking. It is in no way funny at all. Also, I made this account just now for the purpose of saying this, so please feel extra special. Special meaning stupid. Very very stupid. Thankyou!

wow, i cant even begin to explain how stupid this fml is it is NOT an fml. and YDI. if you get married, and then end up falling for another guy, thats one thing, get a goddamn devorce. fall for a guy who doesnt like you? your an idiot. especially doing it WHILE YOUR MARRIED! as for the other guy, hunny tell him he needs to find someone new cause you are clearly NO GOOD. wow. just.... wow.

Shame on you for posting this on the site that your husband will probably be on later down the line and for getting married irresponsibly. The man who wants to be with you doesn't even really matter in the equation, really. That is, unless he is a close friend you don't want to lose. But honestly, you should divorce your husband at the very least, and probably see what happens with the first guy. That is what a person with any sense of their emotions, desires, respect for others, and self-respect would do. Marriage is something people take too lightly nowadays and gets done too impulsively. Wise up, you don't HAVE to get married to live a happy life, so don't do it just to do it!

Has anyone considered that maybe.. just maybe, her husband has a multi-personality disorder? Maybe she's talking about one guy here. Just thought I'd throw that out for discussion. :) Time to think outside the box ppl.

Yeah, I did, it was comment #115. Where I am I can't even see the ******' box. They don't let me in anyways.

Haha.. I was hoping someone had. Imagination! I love it. But it's possible.

Hey Sunburychick, I live in Sunbury too!