Bingo wings

By fatpreggo - 07/08/2009 20:14 - United States

Today, I was proudly telling my husband that I only gained 8 lbs throughout the pregnancy thus far. I usually obsess over my weight, so it was a great accomplishment for me. He then turned and pinched my arms, saying, "Well, looks like all the fat migrated to your arms." FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 076
You deserved it 8 276

Same thing different taste

Top comments

bexox 0

Well, you should have thought of that before getting pregnant. Honestly, you need to get over it. You're going to gain weight if you're carrying.

It's healthy to put on weight during pregnancy. YDI for caring more about your weight than your baby.


marissajean42 0

You don't need to obsess over your weight. And if your husband says your arms are fat don't let that bother you at all. You can be beautiful at any weight. Also, you're pregnant. That's a joyous and wonderful thing, something to celebrate, and you shouldn't let little comments about your appearance get you down during this beautiful and miraculous time.

You need to gain anywhere between 20 lbs (if you're already overweight) and 30 lbs (if you're underweight) to have a healthy baby. Only gaining 8 pounds during a pregnancy is not healthy for the baby.

hecuva 0

pretty sure she said "thus far" so she's only gained 8 lbs, but isn't about to deliver the baby so she still has time to gain more weight and most likely will.... chill budz

sweet_as_arsenic 0

"Migrated" HAHAHAHA Like a flock of geese!! excellent

mcsnelly 5

Wow, people, she said THUS FAR in her pregnancy!! You don't know how far along she is so 8 pounds could be perfectly HEALTHY! Did you ever stop to think that MAYBE she's just happy that she hasn't gained MORE than what she needed to due to healthy eating and exercise? And, yes, she obviously knows that she will (and is supposed to) gain weight during pregnancy, but that doesn't mean her husband needs to be an ass about it and make fun of it.

teebonehead 0

I hope you kicked him in the nuts !

Sorry, I had to laugh just there... but c´mon, you´re pregnant, and don´t listen to him. It´s obvious that you have to gain wait in order to a) carry the baby and because b) you eat so much for the baby. I hate men like this.

maybe you should just hit the gym more chunks

veggiebre93 0

fyl bc yu have fat arms. lol!!!. ydi bc yu cant take a joke. no one is rele that mean...he knows where all the weight yuhr head. HE WAS JOKIN WITH YU!!!. now yuhr all depressed and asking the world to pity yu bc yu have no sense of humor. OOOH!. congrats on the pregnacy by the way.

LittleBossLady 0

You shouldn't worry about your weight. You have a baby inside of you and it needs nourishment. Don't worry about it now, and when you've given birth, you can work it off if you want to. But I'd like you to know that gaining weight is no big deal and you shouldn't obsess over it. Society's image of beauty is unattainable and shallow. You should learn to love yourself no matter your size because all people are beautiful. If everyone looked the same it would be boring. All that matters is that you're baby is being fed and is healthy. And then you can focus on being healthy and happy, no matter what size you are or want to be.