Bad timing

By Homeless? - 07/11/2016 11:07 - United Kingdom - Gloucester

Today, I have been vomiting for 4 days. Tomorrow, my landlord is insisting on inspecting my flat. I now either have to clean my house whilst trying not to throw up all around it, or fail my inspection. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 163
You deserved it 1 241

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Or you can simply explain that you are contagious with a life threatening disease and anyone who walks into the apartment will die within seven days. He may even give you the apartment after he hears that. It's a win-win.

If you absolutely cannot get the date rescheduled (which you certainly should be able to by saying you have a contagious illness), surely there's someone you could pay to clean or if you don't have money maybe could ask a friend to help you out. I know if my friend was at risk of losing their place, I would definitely help them out.


'I'm sick can we do the inspection next week?'

it makes me really thankful to live where i live when reading things from another country. that's really awful that the Landford inspects the flat. I hope dou found a friend to help you or reschedule that

tell the landlord you're sick, GENUINELY ILL. Mines rescheduled home invasions based on my vomiting in the past. JUST don't use that excuse next time lol

I'm sorry but if you let your home get that disgusting that you're going to fail a home inspection you deserve it.

Why haven't you gone to the hospital? That sounds serious.

I'm pretty sure that if you puke while he's there, preferably into a bucket in front of him, he'll go easy on you. So, don't worry too much.

becca9985 34

You could always hope that whatever you have is contagious and that he/she will catch it for not being considerate enough to reschedule. Feel better soon!

Vomit on your landlord when (s)he arrives. They probably won't be in the mood to continue the inspection.