Awful line of inquiry

By teddyissmall - 14/04/2014 06:29 - Canada - Montréal

Today, I was hanging out with my boyfriend. Everything seemed to be going well, when all of a sudden he turned to look at me with a pensive and thoughtful expression. I expected him to say something important, but instead he just said, "I was wondering, how does it feel to be fat?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 046
You deserved it 7 425

Same thing different taste


penguin_bitchez 15

You may have misinterpreted it. He might have been looking for your opinion. not your experience. What you think it would be like, not what it actually is like. That's how I read it, but obviously I didn't see it.

Kick him in the balls. And then ask him how it feels? Or ask him how it feels to be such a dumb ass? What a rude insensitive jerk. FYL

Morokei 10

I'm pretty sure getting kicked in the balls hurts like hell. Sure, he was being a jerk, but that's kind of unnecessary.

Your boyfriend sounds like a real dick and has disrespected you many times before.

Should have said "how does it feel to be single?"