Awful line of inquiry

By teddyissmall - 14/04/2014 06:29 - Canada - Montréal

Today, I was hanging out with my boyfriend. Everything seemed to be going well, when all of a sudden he turned to look at me with a pensive and thoughtful expression. I expected him to say something important, but instead he just said, "I was wondering, how does it feel to be fat?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 046
You deserved it 7 425

Same thing different taste


chocolatefrog28 29

Am I the only one bothered by the "pensive and thoughtful expression" bit? Those are synonyms. And maybe he was asking about being fat in general, not asking her personally.

THANK YOU! Someone here who can also shift perspectives of a situation as well.

What is, worst possible things to say to a woman.

If he didn't realize that was offensive when he said it, he's not emotionally mature enough to be a good boyfriend. Don't wait for him to grow up. Wait for a good man.

PresidentNorth 16

We don't know anything behind their relationship. He could be the best man ever for her. Just asked a simple question.

rdenkewicz 11

Is there any chance the question was rhetorical and not directed at you?

I wouldn't. jump to conclusions OP. If he did direct it at you though, then he's. either really daft or genuinely curious. If it bothers you then talk to him about it.

Wow that's horrible... Is he a dick?

Dump him. You don't need that I your life. I just dumped my first bf and he was an abusive jerk. I swear he put the foreigner song "Cold as Ice" to a whole new meaning....