At least…

By Anonymous - 27/11/2023 11:00 - United States - Dallas

Today, I was driving home from another long night shift at work. I live from paycheck to paycheck thanks to the current economy and can barely afford rent. To keep myself positive, I thought, "At least my car is paid off." A deer ran out in front of me and totaled my car. FML
I agree, your life sucks 701
You deserved it 131

Same thing different taste

Top comments

if you have insurance they will pay you enough to get another one in cash. they not only pay the value but also the market value to buy the same one. I know because a deer totaled mine not even 6 months after buying it.


if you have insurance they will pay you enough to get another one in cash. they not only pay the value but also the market value to buy the same one. I know because a deer totaled mine not even 6 months after buying it.