Always ask for documentation

By Anonymous - 20/09/2020 02:02 - United States - Arlington

Today, the guy I met on Tinder texted me about our date tomorrow. He seemed nervous. I come to find out his mom overheard us talking on the phone and wants to meet me. I said OK, that’s not big deal. That’s when he told me that he’s actually 17. I now hate myself because I’m 26. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 939
You deserved it 278

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You shouldn't hate yourself. He's a horney teenager who lied about his age. It's a good thing mom overheard!

Swipe the Reject direction! I don't know if it's left or right.


Swipe the Reject direction! I don't know if it's left or right.

Thank you! I've never tried Tinder as my photo would be swipe-left fodder. If they have an app where the first thing the ladies see is my sparkling personality, I'd sign up for that!

You shouldn't hate yourself. He's a horney teenager who lied about his age. It's a good thing mom overheard!

Are you too polite to say "horny" or did auto-correct do that for you?

So he lied about his age... I wouldn't go on a date with him...

If you were looking to F, then you should probably put him on a waiting list. If you were just looking to have a good time, and meet a new person, then go for it. Maybe he'll be surprisingly mature, and you'll find you have more in common than you expect. Nine years isn't a huge gap, and it'll seem smaller as time passes. If the genders were reversed then in one or two years, no one would bat an eye.

Um.... no. And if the genders were reversed, OP would 100% be in jail. It’s true that the older you get, the less age gaps seem, but 26 and 17 is just... no.

tounces7 27

You don't go to jail just for matching with someone who lied on Tinder, or for just hanging out with them for that matter....

wysegirl 24

reject now!! a friend of mine is in jail now for meeting a girl on tinder. he hooked up with her and later found out she was underage. As soon as he learned her age he broke it off but that doesn't change the sleeping with a minor issue. 😔

It's interesting that you probably passed right over guys in your age bracket and for whatever reason this 17 year old was the best of the bunch.

He lied, so obviously his profile didn't say he was 17, and he probably looks older than he is. It's not OP's fault.