By FastFoodWaiter - 03/09/2012 23:43 - United States - Saukville

Today, a woman came up to me at work and screamed at me for "taking forever" to come and wait at her table. I work at Wendy's. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 509
You deserved it 1 963

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Tell her you are waiting on come place her order.

shawnaishere 14

Tell her "this ain't burger king, you can't have it your way! "


Tell her you are waiting on come place her order.

AbstraktThoughts 13

Assholes like her make me lose faith in humanity -________-

missamazinggg 12

OP should wait on her. Maybe if he apologizes for "being slow", the customer will leave a tip. Take advantage of the situation.

(Referring to 1s bio.) Guess this person didn't know they're shit. Before grammar nazis attack me. "They're" was intentional.

mariet_fml 23

@21: If she leaves a tip, he has to turn it in to his manager or get fired.

DreBeezy 9

21, You must not know how a fast food restaurant works.

coughyochick 7

21- you can't be serious, right? We're getting punk'd aren't we?

22: No need to apologize; it makes sense the way you used it.

21 she wouldn't have left a tip no matter how good the service was. Customers like that cannot be pleased and as was stated above OP can't accept the tip because it is against the company policy of most fast-food restaurants. When you work in that environment you go to work, get screamed at for various things you can't control, go home with your minimum wage paycheck, curl into a ball, and cry because when you work in the fast-food industry your life will always suck.

shyeahh_fml 19

Not always. I'm 16 and work fast food because it's mainly a job for teenagers before they complete a degree and all that. But yeah, it is way more intense than people give it credit for. Fortunately I work at sonic and am allowed to keep my tips :).

jaredofmo 22

Actually, 21, I've worked in fast food and occasionally people who didn't get that this isn't "tipped" work tipped me. Since we didn't do tips, I didn't have to report it. If I put it in my drawer, that would make my drawer have more money than it should. So... Mine!

missamazinggg 12

50- you make a point. To everyone else, I worked at Wendy's also, depending on your manager you cam keep the tip. My managers "never saw it" when someone would give me a dollar or 2.

How old was she? The older are more acceptable.

Nope, they had longer to know how things work. No excuse

They also have more time to develop dementia or Alzheimer's.

If they have an age-related mental illness they shouldn't be left alone and should definitely not be out wandering the town. That's just dangerous.

Very true but someone who was already living on their own may not have anyone around to notice that they may be developing some issues. Someone has to know their is something wrong with you in order for it to be decided that it is no longer safe for you to be left on your own, otherwise you're on your own until something bad happens that creates notice.

Why was I buried? I'm saying if she was old that's her excuse to yell at you, she could've been confused.

wildsweetchild 19

I think it was her first time there..tell her ;)

GovernorGeneral 8

What about Wendy's? Does that place not take orders at the table? ( Sorry i've never been to that place. Just need some clarification ;D )

It's fast food, you order it before you go to the tables.

GovernorGeneral 8

Oh. Oh ya i forgot. Thanka. I usualy dont eat at fast food places. Sorry -_- Damn people who gave me thumbs downs >:o

25- In America, it's a burger shop. In Australia, it's ice cream.

Since OP lives in America, I think we can safely assume that we are talking about a Burger joint.

Oooo boy when I was in new zealand it was the best ice cream ever! But yes in Canada it's a burger shop with square shaped burgers. I can't get around that.

These are the kind of people that I realllllly hope don't breed. -_-

SeattlesBest97 1

Honey, if you know you're going to get down votes, why post it?

omfg_creepers 8

Tell her you dont get paid enough to do that

From experience, working at a fast food place you encounter all sorts of idiots..So this doesn't really surprise me.

Haha. I remember this one lady didn't even know how the drive-thru worked.

shawnaishere 14

Tell her "this ain't burger king, you can't have it your way! "