ADHD brain

By Unknown - 18/10/2011 04:50 - United States

Today, my boyfriend and I were going to have sex for the first time. He didn't know how to take off my bra and insisted that he'd figure it out on his own. He gave up a couple of seconds later and played video games instead. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 923
You deserved it 6 398

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Xquisite1 28

Sounds like someone is too young to even be considering sex.

You just got bra blocked! Lesson learned - bras are evil.


he was probably so excited he went off in his pants and pretended to lose interest because he was embraced. Seriously that happens with young guys on their first time!

find a new boyfriend who knows what to do

Maybe he was just embarrassed that he didn't manage it. Keep in mind you are most likely wearing it for years, if he was a virgin he probably never had to do it and there is an overall opinion that a man/boy is suppossed to know this and be good in bed, otherwise he is a loser. So, shame might be what drove him to flee to video games. That he refused help points to that actually.

u must be ugly then cuz if a girl I thought was hot asked me to **** her that's all the motivation I need shit video games can whate till after when she wants to cuddle

I'd play black ops instead of having sex

You'd think COD would give him the finger strength...