You what now?

By bottlepoppin - 02/03/2009 02:31 - United States

Today, a customer opened with, "You open bottles with them thangs?" I looked around my desk for something he might've confused with an actual bottle opener. His girlfriend then informed me that he was talking about my breasts. I work for a bank. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 042
You deserved it 3 954

Same thing different taste

Top comments

adelaide_evening 0

I say it's an FML on that mans girlfriend for having to put up with the guy if anything


A guy is saying that you have ginmorous breasts. Does this make you feel bad?

No I like this one! **** her life that she had to put up with a douchebag like that and some skeezy girl who goes along with it... no guy can relate to this because they don't understand how freaking annoying it is when trashy men hit on them in creepy, messed up ways. or just say messed up shit. it sucks

How can this NOT be a FML? That is just retarded.

what does working in a bank have to do with anything?

I think is is more of a WTF? then it is a FML.

hahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa this is awesome. you told him your do it all the time, right?

justinsbaby291 0

woooow i hope that girl dumps that loser. i hate guys like helllo! thats called sexual harassment and can be arrested for that

don't see the relevance of a bank...and #10 u r such a douche...