You OK up there?

By hurtsmyears - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I had to endure yet another evening of the old man in the apartment above me screaming, "No, I don't want to shave my nose hair, you crazy bitch." He lives alone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 734
You deserved it 2 448

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Leave him alone.... I think he's going to have an imaginary divorce soon anyway


Maybe u should call ur local geriatric outreach. Sounds like this guy may need some help

leadman1989 15

Yell in your best old lady voice... "STFU Harold I'm leaving you"! Problem solved or worsened I can't tell.

perdix 29

Get up there, overpower him and forcibly shave his nose hair. Overgrown nose hair causes breathing problems which can lead to irritability and delusions. He'll thank you for it.

Record it if you can and ask the landlord for a different apartment. My sister and I did that. We couldn't get out of our lease, so we changed apartments.

Old man could have brought up a hooker and she wanted his nose hair shaved before SEX

lmao how is that a FML? that would make my day :)

If I give you $50 you have to hook me up with whatever he's taking