Get me out of here

By Shawn - 18/02/2024 06:00 - United States - Bellingham

Today, I have polymyositis. A muscle disease. Pretty advanced. I'm only able to work a few hours a week. In 2018 my roommate assaulted me in a drunken blackout. My boss moved me into her windowless garage. She and her husband run a catering business. They steal card tips, and cheat on their taxes. I have nowhere else to go. FML
I agree, your life sucks 583
You deserved it 125

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You need to Google disability help in your area. Formal diagnosis of a progressive, degenerative condition should qualify you for disability payments. If you are living in a garage then you are basically homeless. You need benefits/welfare, help to get affordable/state provided housing and yourself with as much daily help as you can get. Stop reading this and either start googling disability advice/advocates in your area now or call your drs first thing, the receptionist should be able to point you in the direction of help that they trust. You will feel so much better about things when you get some stability under you. I understand Chronic of several sorts, dealing with it is a lot easier when you are comfortable and secure. Reach out first thing in the morning and get yourself the help that you are entitled to. 🫂


You need to Google disability help in your area. Formal diagnosis of a progressive, degenerative condition should qualify you for disability payments. If you are living in a garage then you are basically homeless. You need benefits/welfare, help to get affordable/state provided housing and yourself with as much daily help as you can get. Stop reading this and either start googling disability advice/advocates in your area now or call your drs first thing, the receptionist should be able to point you in the direction of help that they trust. You will feel so much better about things when you get some stability under you. I understand Chronic of several sorts, dealing with it is a lot easier when you are comfortable and secure. Reach out first thing in the morning and get yourself the help that you are entitled to. 🫂