Yes we can

By AnnaWusHere - 03/09/2010 06:18 - United States

Today, my 72 year-old Grandmother informed me she's running for mayor. She's been going around town with homemade signs all day, campaigning to win mayor. She lives in my town. My friend called me to ask if she was high. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 189
You deserved it 4 007

Same thing different taste

Top comments

so.. support your damn grandma. if she wants to run for mayor you should be getting everyone to vote for her & how's about helping your 72 year old grandma make some damn signs? tell your friend to get her head out of her ass not everyone is "high"

aruss721 0

what? that's awesome! GO GRANDMA! She'd probably be the best mayor you have even had!!!


lol, but WAS she high?, that's the question.

Oops I meant ftw. don't trust itouch autocorrect

How the he'll is this an fml? She's the one doing shit.

LOL I feel for you OP. my grandma is crazy

She's taking the " it's never too late to start over " thing too seriously

StopTheFuckinCar_fml 0

everyone's got dreams, OP. can't granny have one, too? or do you hate old people? ydi for thinking old farts don't still have goals.

Who the hell let this one get approved? This is by far the lamest FML in history.

BoyFromTheFuture 0

I don't even know how to vote on this... how is this an fml?! you better vote for granny or Christmas will be light.

iSitt 0

always learning new things helps delay alzheimers

iTaylor 0

she wasn't high, she's just been drinking Jack Daniels since 9 am this morning.

46- and she brushed her teeth with it, too.

I bet your gramma goes along supporting you for every stupid thing you want to do. Why can't you do this for her?

not an fml. u have a pretty epic grandma

heidelbergmeme 5

I have to agree with 60… if she was my grandma I would help her campaign, instead of posting it up on FML

Shes doing it to meet them sexy old men and **** them with her saggy pus. So yes she is ****** high

Today, some demon took over my body and forced me to run for mayor. then he opened his big big big big finger and took out fingers and poo cream and spageti and... and...

YouCantBreakMe 9

your grandmas freaking awesome. I don't know what the hell your talking about.

kaayalbx 0

That was hilariouusss. favorite

Eggers 2

I know. WTF? F her L for having a loser grandchild that doesn't stand up for family. Grow up, OP.

jameses19 0
aruss721 0

what? that's awesome! GO GRANDMA! She'd probably be the best mayor you have even had!!!

mayors dont actually do anything I don't even know the mayor of my city and I've never moved

so.. support your damn grandma. if she wants to run for mayor you should be getting everyone to vote for her & how's about helping your 72 year old grandma make some damn signs? tell your friend to get her head out of her ass not everyone is "high"

There's probably more to this than what it seems... Maybe OP is saying F their life because their friend clearly doesn't support OP's grandma? Or maybe the town isn't even currently holding elections for mayor in the first place but OP's grandma is trying to run anyway? There has to be something that would make this bad thing...

caliangel 0

lol it's a funny situation but 12 is right! instead of being embarassed by your family, you need to embrace it!!!

vienna_awaits 0

**** her life for having a selfish grandkid like you. I'm sure she has good intentions and probably has nothing else to do, so just suck it up and support her, dumbass

There's probably something more to this, like maybe she was *actually* running for mayor, but just kind of decided she was and put up random posters for no reason?