By Anonymous - 18/09/2019 04:02 - United Kingdom - Southampton

Today, a teacher asked me to edit a video of her class. Unfamiliar with cameras that work with video tape, I accidentally recorded over her video. The footage is impossible for me to get back. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 208
You deserved it 1 006

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If it was something you were unfamiliar with, you should have asked someone for help or just not taken the job and referred her to someone with more knowledge on how to do what she needed.

"Sure, I'll try to do it. What could go wrong?" Lots. Lots of things. If you're not at least 90% sure you can do something unaided, don't do it until you can get help. I'm gonna have to say YDI, because you should have known, and admitted, that you couldn't work with that particular camera. The FML goes to the teacher, who was probably looking to give that video out to the parents of the kids in her class.


If it was something you were unfamiliar with, you should have asked someone for help or just not taken the job and referred her to someone with more knowledge on how to do what she needed.

"Sure, I'll try to do it. What could go wrong?" Lots. Lots of things. If you're not at least 90% sure you can do something unaided, don't do it until you can get help. I'm gonna have to say YDI, because you should have known, and admitted, that you couldn't work with that particular camera. The FML goes to the teacher, who was probably looking to give that video out to the parents of the kids in her class.

What about the ****? An FML about a video mishap that doesn't involve ****? Am I stepping into the Twilight Zone?

julfunky 29

I’m only 25 but this post makes me feel old af.

Look, we all make mistakes, suck it up and tell her what happened with all appropriate apologies. I must say the the Play/Pause and Record symbols on that video camera are the EXACT SAME ONES that are on an Iphone or Android phone.