My name is?

By Victoria - 18/09/2019 06:00 - Australia - Perth

Today, while interviewing for a job, I was greeted by the interviewer with a handshake and a greeting of, "Hello Victoria, my name is Bill." I responded with, "Hello. My name is Bill." I think it's safe to assume I didn't get the job. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 410
You deserved it 459

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I hate it when I get multiple Bills at the same time...

You probably blew the interview after your slip of the tongue when you tried to recover by doing your best Michael Jackson's "Billie Jean." Some idiot called Tim Cook "Tim Apple" and yet he has kept his job.


I hate it when I get multiple Bills at the same time...

You probably blew the interview after your slip of the tongue when you tried to recover by doing your best Michael Jackson's "Billie Jean." Some idiot called Tim Cook "Tim Apple" and yet he has kept his job.