By Dariya - 13/02/2009 04:25 - United States

Today, I asked my mom how much she had set aside for college. She then looked and me as if I were crazy and said "Why the hell would I do anything like that?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 702
You deserved it 4 722

Same thing different taste

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#5 and #6 seriously, if you are that judgemental about people who's parents paid for their college, clearly you didn't learn much either. If you are lucky enough to have your parents pay for your education, which often you'll find they are happy to do for you, why on earth would you turn it down? Learning about how to cope with money starts with understanding when to seize opportunities that keep you out of debt. It's just ignorant to generalise and say that they are all spoilt and unable to cope with money. A lot of people who pay for their own education live at home, that doesn't necessarily imply that they can't live on their own or manage a budget. So think a little before you call them "rich brats", some of them are just well off, or have very generous parents.

Wow, I'm sorry. This makes me appreciate my parents' frugal ways during my childhood.


Wow, I'm sorry. This makes me appreciate my parents' frugal ways during my childhood.

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billionair11 20

Hey buddy, you just blow in from stupid town?

SailorSolaris 43

No, he came from idiotsburg, the capital of Jerkoff country. >D

#5 and #6 seriously, if you are that judgemental about people who's parents paid for their college, clearly you didn't learn much either. If you are lucky enough to have your parents pay for your education, which often you'll find they are happy to do for you, why on earth would you turn it down? Learning about how to cope with money starts with understanding when to seize opportunities that keep you out of debt. It's just ignorant to generalise and say that they are all spoilt and unable to cope with money. A lot of people who pay for their own education live at home, that doesn't necessarily imply that they can't live on their own or manage a budget. So think a little before you call them "rich brats", some of them are just well off, or have very generous parents.

#8 I'm not sure if it's useful to mention bar/restaurant/till experience on your CV when applying to large multinational companies to do, for instance?

Let this be an FML for all of the high school kiddies posting about their stupid girl/boy problems: This is a true FML, and I wish all the best of luck to this person in their studies. I'm sure it won't be easy, but if you research enough scholarships and loans, you'll make it through.

Rbuckyfuller 0

# 9 I don't read those guys as disparaging people who had their parents pay, but taking pride in doing it themselves. Further, to OP, the poorer your parents are, the more financial aid you will get. Just study hard kid.

"Why the hell would I do anything like that?" THAT is the fail, folks. It doesn't sound like an issue of whether or not the parents can pay, but that they didn't even bother to begin with.

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Where I live it's state law that parents help pay for college. Granted they won't do it anything about it if they don't. But technically they are obligated.

shannon.elizabeth 13

ahaha what a great delivery but seriously, look for some scholarships, and financial aid can always help :)