Feeling a little lighter

By TheBetterRedhead - 28/03/2017 12:00

Today, on my way home from grocery shopping, two young adults around my age came up and asked me for a lighter. Thinking they just needed it to light a cigarette, I handed them my only lighter. They immediately ran away. I got robbed for a 1.99$ lighter. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 863
You deserved it 529

Same thing different taste

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[Sanctimonious comment about how avoiding cigarettes and coffee would have not only prevented the incident but the sad aftermath comprised of the above conversation]

You equate being mugged for 2 dollars as the same as spilling your 2 buck coffee? Wow.


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You equate being mugged for 2 dollars as the same as spilling your 2 buck coffee? Wow.

I'm just saying that at the end of the day, he lost a $2 lighter and it doesn't sound like anything too violent or terrible happened

Oh, so that makes being robbed in the street OK then, as long as it's a cheap item and no one gets hurt.

Robbed? Mugged? It's not THAT big of a deal. Honestly, I'd be more upset about spilling my coffee because being "robbed" for my lighter in this way would make me laugh.

Look I'm not gonna get into this with u, I just think worse things could've happened. Is all

[Sanctimonious comment about how avoiding cigarettes and coffee would have not only prevented the incident but the sad aftermath comprised of the above conversation]

This just means they are on their way to emphysema and lung cancer sooner than you. In a sense, they just robbed themselves...of life! How's that, RememberSchlitz?

I'm guessing they needed it to light their bowl or bong, which they could not do right out in the open

i thought you were gonna say they used it to blow up some oil or something

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and you're an asshole. robbery is robbery. idc if someone stole my 25 cent gumball, it's mine. and no maybe it's not just a lighter to them. I have my dad's lighter and he died 2 years ago. yeah, it's a lighter to you, but to me it's one of the few things I can carry around to have of my dad's. obviously that's not OPs situation, nor would I let some random use that lighter, but to some people their "something" is something and doesn't matter how much it costs bc it just might irreplaceable.