What a trip

By badwaitress - 05/06/2009 17:57 - United Kingdom

Today, I was working as a waitress at a wedding. I was trying to clear the tables as quickly as possible and decided to place a half bowl of soup on top of the pile of plates I was carrying. As I was hurrying back to the kitchen I tripped and spilt the soup all over the bride's ivory dress. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 909
You deserved it 27 226

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FBL (F brides life) great wedding memory. Hey honey, remember our storybook wedding when someone completely ruined the dress that you spent your life savings on?

littlemisslee 0

And I bet everyone gave you nasty looks the rest of the night!


Here's hoping she didn't go bridezilla on you. Still though, YDI for rushing and F the bride's life.

lilmis_cowgirl24 0

Awww hopefully you didn't ruin one of the most important day of a womens life. but still thts funny :)

clockworkrainbow 3

That sucks... Making with the haste doesnt always prove to be a good thing. But hey, that couldve been her seventh wedding, making it less awful for you. IDK, just trying to give you some hope.

fmlbeast 0

8===============================================================D 8===============================================================D 8===============================================================D 8===============================================================D 8===============================================================D 8===============================================================D 8===============================================================D 8===============================================================D

Welp, if you had slowed the **** down you would still have a job and not have a woman gunning for your life because you ruined her wedding. F the bride's life because the biggest thing she'll remember about her wedding for the rest of her life was your incompetent and stupid behavior.

pinkbubble96 0

omomgomg u didnt!! noooo that probably ruined her wedding!!! its gonna be stained!!! how did she react?!

****. HER. LIFE. I'd have you fired if you did that to me. FYL too because it was a complete accident and now everyone wants to kill you or at least not be you but man, the poor bride. I really hope it wasn't tomato soup. (Is tomato soup not "fancy" enough for a wedding?)

something similar happened to me at work.i was carrying a tray of champagne flutes, and it wasn't balanced right and they tipped over and spilled on someone's dress. it was quite embarrassing.