What a trip

By badwaitress - 05/06/2009 17:57 - United Kingdom

Today, I was working as a waitress at a wedding. I was trying to clear the tables as quickly as possible and decided to place a half bowl of soup on top of the pile of plates I was carrying. As I was hurrying back to the kitchen I tripped and spilt the soup all over the bride's ivory dress. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 909
You deserved it 27 226

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FBL (F brides life) great wedding memory. Hey honey, remember our storybook wedding when someone completely ruined the dress that you spent your life savings on?

littlemisslee 0

And I bet everyone gave you nasty looks the rest of the night!


I work at a wedding place too. I know how you're feeling!

IllegalLight 0

That sucks. Hope you didn't get fired.

rustyrox 0

Oh nooo! =( what did she do? I hope it was after the ceremony! Otherwise you'd be toast!

37 - spilt is perfectly fine english. Learn how to use a dictionary. My mom always told me not to run with soup, now I know why.

satanstoystore 0

how can ppl think the waitress life is f'd? the alternative is the bride should be fine with a soupy dress? waitress deserves a reprimand.

#23: Look up the definition of ivory.

lonelyislandgirl 0

That sucks but you kind of deserve it..... Be more careful next time :)

elsieenchanted 0

My version: Bride: I NEED SOME WINE! GET ME WINE! NOW! I WANT MY WINE!!!!!!!!! OP: okay. Bride: AHAHAHHAH -goes back into conversation- OP: here's your wine. Bride: I WANTED SOUP, DAMMIT! OP: okay... -gets soup- Bride: WHERE IS MY WINESOUPPISSDAMNFUCKSOUPIWANTITNOWORELSEYOURFIREEEEDDIWANTMYSOUPITBETTERNOTBENASTYSOUPLIKESPITSOUP. -mumble- OP: *rooleye* Bride: I wantmysoup right thissecondi need it now becauseiamhungry. OP: *spills soup on brides dress* Bride: ajsjjrdiiaujdjejkspqppwi. -passes out- OP: *runs out door* Husband: IM FREE!! :D Doctor: she's only passed out... - How it probally happened: Bride: Excuse me, can I have some soup? *smile* OP: sure! *smile* OP: *gets soup* Bride: Oh, thank y- OP: *accidental spill* ---- Sorry, I don't like brides. ._. I'm sure it's not your fault.