We need a break

By pst - 21/11/2010 01:06 - South Africa

Today, the hooker I have been seeing regularly for almost a year texted me to say she thinks we should no longer see each other again. I just got dumped by a hooker. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 682
You deserved it 59 228

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This is probably the saddest thing I've ever read.

A hooker? Did you honesty expect a Disney-styled happily ever ending?


kcTornado 0

OP lives in Africa, why the **** do people still sleep with hookers when the risk for AIDS is so high?? epic fail ydi though

princesspixie 0

wow how lame and sucky are you

CurtisDkidd 0

its probably becasue youve been seeing the same hooker for a year. you aint dating. you even have your hookers number? wtf

as soon as I saw 'the hooker' I was like WTF?

so this is how you get dumped in africa

dlb13 3

ur an idiot man... hooker really?

ydi for ******* a hooker. that's disgusting and rather pathetic.