War drums

By Taylor - 30/07/2011 05:14 - United States

Today, while having sex, my boyfriend started singing the Star Wars theme song as he entered his penis into me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 221
You deserved it 10 681

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hopefully he didn't say "I am your father!"

At least he didn't call your ****** "Chewbacca"


I bet he hums the Imperial March when he wanks.

you should have said " theres a big disturbance in the force" and gotten off lol

andoprime 4

there are no words how did he sing that?

eminemchick 19

dun dun dun dodododo ^like that

Mipz 2

Did it go in? Negative. it just impacted in the surface...

Playful1985 9

You should have ended it right there, gotten up and put on your clothes. You need to teach guys how to please you, not silently condone what he did and then bitch/hate him for it when he's not around

Enter this ****** u must young padawan