Vibe check

By buttfingers - 26/12/2015 17:37 - United States - Houston

Today, I accidentally edged over the speed limit and got pulled over. The officer asked me if I knew why he'd pulled me over. Before I could say something diplomatic, my dad said from the passenger seat, "Because you're a prick in fancy dress?" I got ticketed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 147
You deserved it 2 240

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I have never understood why the driver gets ticketed for the idiocy of their passengers even when the driver is trying to be cooperative.


You should've said, "Sorry about that officer. My father's drunk right now, so I'm taking him back to his house."

Aren't rules there for a reason though? Your dad was rude, but regardless, you broke the limit and were caught. I can understand the dislike of the traffic cameras that exist entirely to fine people and fund police departments, but I'm assuming that if they positioned a police officer on the road then it must have been a major one. However, I do remember reading that depending on your state, you can fight them in court down to a smaller fine if you challenge details; radar guns are inaccurate, and some police just estimate the speed, so maybe you could try that?

If u are cooperative and polite u can sometimes get out of a ticket, especially if u have never had one before

Edged over the speed limit? Are you serious? Maybe 10+ mph. Cops don't pull you over and ticket you for 3-5 mph. That's "edged".

There are places all around my house that will give you a ticket for 1mph over the limit. Many small towns that want any extra money they can get.

Let your dad pay at least the half of it.. For not being capable of zipping his lips. And getting your ass instantly into trouble.

I just love the all american comment from your dad.

Hahaha! Gotta love parents. Sounds like something my dad or brothers would do to me

Your DAD is a winner. Gotta lov parents

yellowzinnias 20

Sorry if this was asked before, but is your father British? *Anglophile*