
By Franco - 10/04/2009 14:07 - United States

Today, I was sent to an elementary school for safety day. One of the dads was asking about my job, when I told him about the long hours and high stress involved. He turned to his son and said, "Now see why you stay in school?" I'm a paramedic. With a bachelor's degree. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 045
You deserved it 3 145

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That sucks man. I always wanted to be a Paramedic when I was a kid. I think you guys do great work. **** this ignorant guy.

balanceMMX 0

not really a FML... it just wasn't explained enough for the dad to know what you were talking about. we're all thankful for your hard work as a paramedic, though- thank you


Hey kmsweets18 - did you understand my comment or just kneejerk attack me purely because I didn’t take the opportunity, like so many others here, to stroke the ego’s of all the aspiring paramedics out there? I was saying that when I (and likely the dad in the story) meet someone, I am not impressed by how stressful a job path s/he has chosen but rather how well they handle the stress. Feeling the need to complain/brag about how overwhelmingly difficult you find your job (like OP and you have just done), to every complete stranger who will lend you their ear; is neither awe-inspiring nor vindication that you chosen a good career path. Rather it is a sign that you might be better suited for a less stressful job, perhaps involving petting pretty animals.

@116 well then, I await with eager anticipation the blessed occasion of meeting you in a social situation one day; forcing polite conversation with you by asking you what you do for a living, and then spending the next two hours passing you Kleenex tissues as you sob loudly and piteously about how rude the customers were to you today at Burger King. I don’t assume to give everybody I meet career advice, nor was OP in the above cited situation and nor should you since you obviously cannot keep an objective view on things without threatening to “…kick their f*****g a***s…” should someone’s opinion differ from yours.

@118 sigh... look at that diatribe - I don't have time to veer your War and Peace novel back on topic because I have a fulfilling and perpetually enjoyable Job to attend to, but I will say this; and if you misinterpret my succinctness for being short with you then please forgive me. 1 – A safety day is not the same as a career day so please stop making that comparison. Therefore they were making small talk because he was talking about something other than the schools emergency response plan. 2 – People like me force small talk with people like you because if I were to talk to you about topics of greater complexity such as you’re ironically pre-mentioned darling ‘economics’, it would be a one-way learning experience for you for which I would ordinarily get paid.

Dreika 0

A lot of people assume that the only "educated" healthcare workers are doctors and everyone else is just some "assistant" with at best a six month vocational certificate. I have herd similar remarks made to the RN's that work at the hospital I am employed with , and remarks made at me like that. I am a Patient Rep with two degrees. I guess many assume anyone who works at night, more than eight hours a day or on weekends and holidays must be part of the "uneducated, working class, blue collar workers" that are "lucky" to get the bottom feeding job they have. Total ignorance on his part. What does he thinks medics do? Just drive the ambulance around and take patients back and forth from their home to the ER? A lot of people still refer to EMT's and paramedics as "ambulance drivers." It is irritating and demeaning.

imp872 0

i feel ya there man... its all good he'll code eventually and thank the god he prays to your around...

Now, think how far you'd get if you had your masters :p

dude thats lame what a dick... i hope he is a patient of yours soon and you save his life. what a prick paramedic school is tough man. im getting my EMT right now and that alone is a lot of info and i dont even have to worry about all the drugs you guys can give and all that stuff. you should pop like 6 nitros into his coffee or something... well maybe not that cuz thats a little harsh but what a dick.

stephy_fml 0

That dad is an ignorant fucktard

Code for you did shitty on our MCAT and couldn't get into Med School. Try being a dentist or chiropractor. They at least pretend to be doctors.

aaa i remember all them stoners in high school, skipping class, getting high behind the jump, dropping out- and look at them now their all paramedics.