
By Franco - 10/04/2009 14:07 - United States

Today, I was sent to an elementary school for safety day. One of the dads was asking about my job, when I told him about the long hours and high stress involved. He turned to his son and said, "Now see why you stay in school?" I'm a paramedic. With a bachelor's degree. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 044
You deserved it 3 145

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That sucks man. I always wanted to be a Paramedic when I was a kid. I think you guys do great work. **** this ignorant guy.

balanceMMX 0

not really a FML... it just wasn't explained enough for the dad to know what you were talking about. we're all thankful for your hard work as a paramedic, though- thank you


Word to 91. You should've said something like that. Pathetic, tell the dad to go do a sudoku.

AGREED 91. Should've said something like that and for the dad to go and do a sudoku.

wait what? i think he meant, "Now see why you stay in school? So you should be as intelligent and successful as this man"

You should have turned to the guy and said "I'm a paramedic. With a bachelor's degree."

AdudeOnSkis 1

I'm going through an EMT-B course right now and really want to go to paramedic school sometime in the near future. unless that guy was trying to say "use this dude as an example and try and become as great as him", he's an idiot. i'm not actually sure how anyone can think that being a paramedic is anything negative... but still, Paramedics save lives, EMTs save paramedics :P hella props and stoke and what not for your career choice!!!

Hey dude, **** that father. Your a good person for being a paramedic. Who want's to push a ******* pencil at 49 years old taking coffee from a 24 year old girl as your secretary and no matter how hard you try to flirt with her she will never look at your ugly face. Next time tell him to try and work for his money like you do. My dad is a paramedic and I know all about what he does. You need real people to be a paramedic.

TryToBeKind 0

Sorry people - I do have a child to support and I do that quite well. I have two degrees and a job in that field. The key here is either a) don't major in electives or b) actually be GOOD at what you are doing. If you're earning minimum wage to SERVE OTHERS you have no business complaining about your job. No, aren't supposed to be able to support a family, make sure you can do that before you open your legs and get yourself pregnant.

many of the highest-paying jobs out there include long hours and a lot of stress. f that dad's l.

did you tell him you were a paramedic? he probably just assumed you were doing menial labor. of course he shouldn't have assumed that!