On Target, almost

By Anonymous - 25/09/2019 06:00

Today, I was walking through Target when I was pulled aside by a very attractive girl who began kissing me. She stopped, because I wasn't who she thought I was. Disappointed, I turned around to see her very angry, very large boyfriend behind me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 892
You deserved it 187

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How many of you were drunk and/or high? This hot girl with a very large boyfriend confuses him for a wimpy girly-man? I'm not buying it.

Can you imagine the fight they are having right now? Damn!


Can you imagine the fight they are having right now? Damn!

I’m just really hoping he didn’t take any of this out on you… Oh who am I kidding, I’m surprised he let you live to write this.

How many of you were drunk and/or high? This hot girl with a very large boyfriend confuses him for a wimpy girly-man? I'm not buying it.

Yeah it was on purpose. To either see your reaction or her boyfriends. There is no such thing as oops my tongue slipped.

This is definitely a deliberate action. Either a prank, or just a thing they do so he can prove his manliness to her, or a something she does to make him jealous. Either way you where just a pawn used by her. You should sue/file complaints against her. Because honestly if this was reversed and a guy would just pull a girl aside and start kissing her, he would rightly be put in the back of a police car. Playing such games on anyone is bad period.