By Anonim23 - 25/06/2019 00:15

Today, I finally decided to go talk to my upstairs neighbour about the loud banging noises he makes every single morning around 8 a.m. It worked. Now he starts at 7 a.m. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 774
You deserved it 193

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Trinity Fenwick 7

talk to your landlord. if that doesn't work for some noise complaints with the police.

tr3yr 13

Going through this with my upstairs neighbors now.. it might be time to get a house. 🤦🏽‍♂️


tr3yr 13

Going through this with my upstairs neighbors now.. it might be time to get a house. 🤦🏽‍♂️

Trinity Fenwick 7

talk to your landlord. if that doesn't work for some noise complaints with the police.

Raven127 5

Had this problem with my neighbors stopping around their apartment and slamming doors... except they lived below me and we could still hear (and feel) them walking around. They also liked to play loud , repetitive music from noon to 2am. We asked them to quiet down because we sleep during the day and instead they started being louder. They finally got kicked out though and now we have a nice, quiet, elderly lady living downstairs

8am is not a 'keep quiet' type of day... that's what happens when you live in an apartment.