By Stupendous_ - 03/12/2012 07:17 - Canada - Edmonton

Today, while visiting my widowed great aunt, she took out her wedding rings and talked about the love she and my uncle had. Smiling, I told her that one day I hope to have as happy a marriage as theirs. Her response? "Knowing you, I wouldn't count on it." My mother sat there agreeing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 442
You deserved it 2 550

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kultyre 7

Don't listen to them, I'm sure you'll find a nice person one day :) Prove them wrong!

Retort with "Knowing you, I'm surprised uncle didn't die sooner." If you went out of your way to say something positive and she shat on it, you might as well throw it back at her. Just don't resort to thumping your chests and walking around on all fours.


kultyre 7

Don't listen to them, I'm sure you'll find a nice person one day :) Prove them wrong!

Hiimhaileypotter 52

#8, It still didn't need to be said. It was incredibly rude.

#8- But that's still not a good reason to insult the OP like that. I'm sure it was hurtful.

I agree that OP could easily be the bitch I this situation, and could have twisted the story to her favour, but honestly the same could be said for 95% of the FMLs on this site. We need to stop playing devil's advocate and just take the FML at face value, dammit.

jsfromga: Um, no. Taking the FML at face value, which means making a comment based off of what you read and know as a fact based on the goddamned FML, would be that OP complimented the great aunt, the aunt made a bitch comment, and the mom agreed. What you are doing is reading into why the aunt said what she did, and saying, "Well, maybe OP IS a bitch", which is going against the initial reaction to the FML, thereby playing devil's advocate.

19- Have you ever read Randy Paush's "The Last Lecture?" Well if you had, you would have learned that tact means EVERYTHING!

Even if OP is a mean awful person, doesn't mean she can't have a marriage like her aunt's. I know plenty of awful people who are happily married, even though nobody around them knows how someone would ever want to marry them.

That_Korean_Kid 4

Wow, shame on them! I'm sure you will someday

bettykooler 7

Yeah but bringing him or her home to meet the family is going to suck. I think we can expect to see another FML when that happens.

I'm sure you will prove them wrong someday!

Retort with "Knowing you, I'm surprised uncle didn't die sooner." If you went out of your way to say something positive and she shat on it, you might as well throw it back at her. Just don't resort to thumping your chests and walking around on all fours.

At least she only shat on her comment, and not her car...

RedPillSucks 31

That's when you responded... "Knowing you, uncle died just to get away from your bitchy ass", right? ..., right? EDIT: Damn. I'm always late to the comment party.

It's funny cuz you are usually one comment too late.

Now OP, this should motivate you even harder to find that perfect guy to prove them wrong!

Don't do anything too drastic, OP. ******** on the roof of her car should suffice.

Or get her that christmas carol clock. Yea, that's some harsh shit right there.

The clock would seem like a nice gift before the 2nd hour comes around. Haha.

Even if you are grumpy of the seven dwarfs, your aunt shouldn't have said that. I highly doubt her marriage is amazing because she is a ******* bitch.

She has no marriage anymore, death hath done them part. Seriously though, just because the aunt made a very rude comment doesn't mean she's a bitch. Maybe she's old and senile and doesn't know what she's saying is hurtful. I mean, it's doubtful, but it's possible. I would agree that the comment was uncalled for though.

bettykooler 7

Well if the grandmother is excusable the mother isn't - she's a bitch for not defending her daughter.

bettykooler 7

Oops edit: grandmother = great aunt (my bad)

BunBunBabe 8

Still time to prove her wrong