By Anonymous - 09/02/2012 21:42 - United States

Today, while sitting on the toilet, I noticed there was no toilet paper left, so I dug through my purse to use my one and only pad as a substitute. It clogged the toilet, and I started my period ten minutes later. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 002
You deserved it 19 883

Same thing different taste

Top comments

SugarCrazy 14

Why would you even try to flush it?...That's just common sense.


So women don't use pads, men do? I prefer pads because I know better when to change it, it's faster... and you still need a pad when using tampons, really. You know, leaking and all. You're an inconsiderate person for putting down 'everyone' that doesn't have the same opinion.

You can't even flush tampons either. Also, tampons have aluminum in them and your body absorbs it so have fun with Alzheimer's which aluminum is linked to.

I don't use tampons and I am still a woman. TSS is not fun and with my luck I would get that. Thankfully, I don't have to deal with it anymore.

caitiebug1119 15

Why the heck did you try to flush it?!! If you've ever heard of pads, you should know they don't flush. Like that's the adult version of a toddler trying to flush anything besides pee and poop.

NO TOILET PAPER!! /_ the does exist

Time for the monthly appearance of the incredible hulk!

wysegirl 24

How stupid do you have to be to put the bad in the toilet? There are trash cans in the bathroom where you can dispose of them. This is why there are signs that state "DO NOT FLUSH FEMININE PRODUCTS" in restrooms.