By IHateMyJob - 14/09/2010 02:00 - United States

Today, while scrubbing my car with the foam brush at a car wash, the hose for the brush came whipping around and smacked me hard in the side of the head, knocking off my glasses. I got disoriented from the blow and stepped on my glasses, completely smashing them. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 716
You deserved it 3 394

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FMLephant 2

Were you washing the mystery machine Velma?


its hard to believe that there are that many jackasses out there that will say its your fault that you had a bit of misfortune. goodness, you people are pathetic

silverFML 0

grt new glasses. or maybe contacts id hate ti have bad vision

SympathyearAbs 0

Oooh.....That sucks. I once stepped on mine because they fell off at the movies, they're really expensive to replace.

Really? I don't know how much they are in America but I've broken mine quite a few times, and I get them for free on the NHS. Well I am English, we have free health care :)

Sympathy... I've stepped on my glasses before. Only I was at school, so I just taped the lenses back on...

omg ugh that stinks...I once sat on my glasses forgetting I'd put them on the chair.