By Scarred - 04/09/2009 05:15 - United States

Today, while riding in the car with my friends, we stopped at a red light. To our left, a very obese, middle aged man slowly unbuttoned his shirt and spread it out. He then stared at us while massaging his nipples with his thumb and index fingers for the duration of the red light. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 972
You deserved it 5 656

Same thing different taste

Top comments

And people told me my reverse tinted windows were a bad idea...

Bwahahahahahaha, thats so awesome, the obese guy is instantly my favourite person in the world. Also FYL indeed, even if i think what the guy did is brilliant :P


sugar_407 0

well then, why were you watching ?

holy shit thats nasty! hahahahhahaha that sucks.

kendraa_fml 0

i can top this. me and a bunch of other girls were on our way back from a field trip for our dance class at school. we were in a bus, on the highway and this middle age man in a truck drove up beside us. he wasn't wearing a shirt. he also wasn't thin. my friend waved at him, but he didn't wave back. after a while he got a little behind the bus. when he drove back up beside the bus and i happened to look over at him he was completely naked and jacking off, while looking up at us.

TooBadMN 0

No offense #87, but I don't think anyone cares if your story was worse or a bit more disturbing. Yeah, Still an FML, maybe, but I have to doubt that this is even true. Sorry.

ChemiclyInsane 0

#87 Hey o.o don't break girl code like that. OP: that sucks XD gross

sounds like something you would see in family guy

Holy shit I cracked up for like 10 minutes lmfao Ew.