By Scarred - 04/09/2009 05:15 - United States

Today, while riding in the car with my friends, we stopped at a red light. To our left, a very obese, middle aged man slowly unbuttoned his shirt and spread it out. He then stared at us while massaging his nipples with his thumb and index fingers for the duration of the red light. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 972
You deserved it 5 656

Same thing different taste

Top comments

And people told me my reverse tinted windows were a bad idea...

Bwahahahahahaha, thats so awesome, the obese guy is instantly my favourite person in the world. Also FYL indeed, even if i think what the guy did is brilliant :P


ewwww....some ppl are just too gross and wrong... he should never leave the house...www

hahahaha thats sooooo funny. but yeahh grosd

lmfao this is the funniest thing I've ever heard

first I think the op is lying. If this guys fat then it would take him a while to unbutton his shirt. unless this was a LONG red light, then I doubt he would have time to do that stuff. even if this DID happen WHY would you look even?????!!!!!!! unless your a perv so LIAR!!!!!!!!! :P

and u said he SLOWLY unbuttoned his shirt!! and u looked at his nipples cause u knew wat fingers he was using so yes the OP is probably lying

S8erchik1324 0

lol u should look away but I guess maybe for u it's hard

wesley215 0

first off, you could turn right or run the light. And second, did he get you at the next light too?