Gym bro

By sarah_sad - 25/03/2009 01:48 - United States

Today, I went to the gym with two of my friends expecting to pay a guest fee but the cute guy working at the front desk let me in for free. On the way out after working out I started to flirt with him and he said, "Don't flatter yourself, I just let you in because I'm lazy." FML
I agree, your life sucks 70 705
You deserved it 16 739

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What's with people trying to make vigilante justice over this? He was lazy so he let her in. She got the wrong impression and tried to hit on him. He's obviously had a long day at work, so he flat out tells her to stop trying. Maybe he's taken. Those who would attack the guy physically or professionally must be sociopaths or something. Plus, he totally saved her like, 5-10 bucks.

don't take it so hard, he gets it all the time and is sick of it.


don't take it so hard, he gets it all the time and is sick of it.

FYLyo 0
BadPandaEye 6

At least you didn't have to pay. That's always good :)

Haha gotta love those lazy gym employees!

i lol'd..i'm sure he's already taken and didnt want to explain xD

Well, either way you didn't lose. Next time you should tell him "No, don't flatter YOURself, I'm just repaying my debt to society." ...If you wanted to be mean xD

Inspired22 11

Well, that was unnecessary. He may be cute, but he's an asshole. Don't take the way assholes treat you personally. The barb up their ass has nothing to do with you!

If you want to be nasty back then rat on him to his manager telling him that this guy let you in for free a couple of times. Either that or next time your there throw a medicine ball at his face.

Just because he was blatantly honest? Would you prefer him leading her on??

hey, at least you're making an effort to get back in shape at the gym!

You're better knowing straight off that he's a prick so you don't waste any time...

LOL #6. the orange juice actually came out of my nose. i agree with that. plus it'd be funny. dooo it violence with a medicine ball australia says yes!

What's with people trying to make vigilante justice over this? He was lazy so he let her in. She got the wrong impression and tried to hit on him. He's obviously had a long day at work, so he flat out tells her to stop trying. Maybe he's taken. Those who would attack the guy physically or professionally must be sociopaths or something. Plus, he totally saved her like, 5-10 bucks.