By haters - 09/05/2019 12:00

Today, while in a meeting for work, my boss expressed how much he likes everyone at our site. But before continuing, he looked at me and said, “Everyone but you, that is.” FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 778
You deserved it 261

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Unless he’s s completely unprofessional boss (or you actually are a bad worker) it seems like he might be just joking.

You're either too socially awkward to tell that he's joking or bad enough at your job to be the joke of the group.


Unless he’s s completely unprofessional boss (or you actually are a bad worker) it seems like he might be just joking.

You're either too socially awkward to tell that he's joking or bad enough at your job to be the joke of the group.

Sounds like a hostile work environment suit to me...

Wow! I don’t remember posting this 🤔