By heycutie - 15/04/2014 04:24 - United States - Grand Rapids

Today, while I was waiting for the bus, I was whistling. I saw a cute girl running and I looked at my phone so it didn't seem too awkward. I was still whistling as she passed by so it sounded like I whistled at her. She ran back to slap me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 949
You deserved it 7 266

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'd love to know what makes anyone think it's ok to slap someone just for whistling at them.


yeesh, someone doesn't know how to take a compliment.

What's with some women being so stuck up these days?

I'm a girl and if a guy did that to me ( around here they just yell or beep the horn) but I wouldn't care just like idc about the others. I think most girls are too uptight about that stuff, unless the person is threatening you just blow it off. If this was reversed a guy would be in jail by now.

Maybe you could try singing or whistle a well known song

Unfortunately, that would only work if the woman was the victim... Society is f*cked my friend...

If you knew it was going to be awkward why didn't you just stop whistling for the two seconds while she passed.

The slap was uncalled for and an overreaction. But a lot of women frequently do get catcalled and whistled at and it really isn't nice, even if it is meant as a compliment. So maybe the girl has had this happen to her a lot before and just assumed this time was the same. OP definitely didn't deserve it though, and the violence was uncalled for.

Even if you were whistling at her, I don't think that's enough for a slap. Her ego got the best of her. If I got whistled at, it's a compliment. If you put your hands on me, now that's a different story.