By meggasee - 25/01/2010 00:23 - France

Today, while having hot sex with my boyfriend, I was experiencing my very first orgasm. Right when my mother walked in. We had no blankets. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 875
You deserved it 8 322

Same thing different taste

Top comments

E40_fml 0

Wtf were you screaming or something? Obviously she would hear you and check.


mgblaskewicz 0

you scream like your mom. now you have something in common.

hahaha thats what you get haha i hope she told your dad

drilher244 0

awesome!! at least you had the ****** before she walked in and messed it up

heyyyaubrey 9

no she didnt..she was having it right as her mom walked in. way tooo awkward

E40_fml 0

Wtf were you screaming or something? Obviously she would hear you and check.

Or maybe mom would realize what they are doing and leave them be or barge in if she didn't approve, i'm sure her mom isn't that niave

HeresReality 0

ydi for having sex while parents are home. if they know then at least use the damn lock. morons.

robotiick 12

39 is right I'm only 12 but I no never hav sex while ur parents r home

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The lesson here kids is, if you don't wanna f get caught having sex. keep the door open.

haha your mum saw your cum face! sucks to be you lmao

AxCxDxDx 0

Hey, atleast you showed her you pick good sex partners..

Haha At least you got to experience it with your mum