By Anonymous - 13/09/2015 13:21 - United Kingdom - Bristol

Today, while eating at my college cafeteria, I started thinking about all the awful crap going on in my life right now, and I started sobbing. Some guy at another table started snickering at me, at which point the guy I like said, "Give her a break. If I was as fuck-ugly as her, I'd be crying too." FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 886
You deserved it 2 715

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I hope whatever was on your plate ended up in his face.

They're just another waste of oxygen. Keep your head up.


I imagine you don't like him anymore after that. Sorry. =/

a6m5zerosen 3

Even in your darkest hour, look how many people all over the world are speaking kindly to you-screw those jerks. You are beautiful. All day. Every day. Those bozos are probably living in their mother's basements playing World of Warcraft on Saturday night after making lameass online dating profiles with their pictures from 5 years ago. You go shine, you go smile, and laugh it off-they aren't worth your time, sweetie...

what an aashole! well thats a quick way to lose feelings for him hes a piece of shit and you deserve better anyway Op.

Wow that's just...they are so despicable and disgusting excuses for human beings. You're not ugly. I know the tunnel seems long and endless but I promise there's always light at the end. Even if it takes a long time to see it in the distance.

Nissi 17

Shame on them. Ohhhh this pissed me off! SHAME ON THEM. I'm so sorry you had to deal with those ugly people.

I hope you meant "the guy I liked", past tense. That was so obnoxious of him.

Wow. I hope you've stopped liking that guy, he's obviously an asshole. Whether he said to to "be cool" or he really meant it, that's not someone you want to be with. Chin up OP!