By Anonymous - 29/08/2011 05:15 - United States

Today, while at my boyfriend's cousin's birthday party, I was hanging around with his sister as I didn't know anyone. She was talking to some friends when one of them asked her, "So, is your brother still going out with that crazy chick?" Her answer was to introduce me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 468
You deserved it 4 370

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Respond by acting with grace. Taking the high ground works every time.

rein 8

that would be your cue to start acting like a crazy chick.


Respond by acting with grace. Taking the high ground works every time.

Unicorns chose not to take the high ground in Noah's ark and look where they are today.

Well since they don't even know u, his sister must have been the one who's talking about u to ppl. I wouldn't hang out with her if she's 2-faced. But I agree, how u reacted could make her friends feel stupid about what they said.

ducttapewallet 7

For some reason, I have a feeling that this will get near the top of the "top" list. Anyone?

ReynshineCutting 10

10 there actually were unicorns on the Ark (look at my pic). Poachers just hunted them to near extinction for their horns way back when so there are very few left.

Sounds like your boyfriend's sister is what I call a Penny: Two-faced and worthless.

Actually I am a unicorn so your argument is invalid

jessesgirl14 16
ADayToPierceTheV 0
rein 8

that would be your cue to start acting like a crazy chick.

Tell her crazy girls have more fun both in and out of bed. Provided its the 'wacky, quirky' kind of crazy.

oh my, how unfortunate. i hope you played it off and had a nice time overall.

missL1z 5

If I were you, I'd like to know why I'm crazy.

yamatelle 19

Or... She can just take this as an opportunity and act like the crazy bitch he claims that she is. Hell, she can go over to his uncle and tell him that, "she can't wait to get home tonight and make love.", and get away with it.

SomePinkTape 0

In an awkward situation like that, the best thing to do is start acting like a monkey.

Thats when u say "Ya his ex blah blah blah (make up name or something) was pretty crazy, one time she even.....(and make up some stories about her because deflecting blame almost always works)"

That's a bit aggressive don't you think?

Wow, um yeah, that's the worse possible thing to do you idiot

That's always fun! I try to think of as many unique ways as possible to be deemed "crazy" by others. I haven't even had to kill anyone yet.

well that's just great. Now you can do whatever you want and people will just attribute it to your craziness! now there doesn't have to be that awkward moment since they all have a preset expectation of you

Except the preset expectation to be crazy.