Thanks colonialism

By Ouchmayne - 26/07/2022 08:01 - United States

Today, I met one of our donors at a company gala. One guy said he was from Trinidad. He had an accent, so I told him that his English sounded great for someone from a foreign country. He then told me that English is the official language in Trinidad. Don’t think we’re getting funds anymore. FML
I agree, your life sucks 202
You deserved it 1 408

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm sure he knew you meant no insult. you can't be expected to know the national language for every single country. especially if you're American, where the school system doesn't even teach you your own

No more Sugar Trini-daddy? You could have recovered by saying "Those Tobagonians sure suck, am I right?"


No more Sugar Trini-daddy? You could have recovered by saying "Those Tobagonians sure suck, am I right?"

It’s almost as though every single place that speaks English will have its own unique accent based on geography, the surrounding languages and any other languages that are official in that country or something.

It's almost as though there are hundreds of countries and it is not reasonable to expect one to know all of the official languages or something.

England conquered so much of the planet that there are 55 countries that celebrate their independence from it and many more that are still crown territory. It’s a safer bet to assume that an accent you can’t place as definitively foreign is a native English accent you haven’t heard than to assume it isn’t.

Im sure this isn't the first time, the Trinidad accent is very noticable.

I'm sure he knew you meant no insult. you can't be expected to know the national language for every single country. especially if you're American, where the school system doesn't even teach you your own

America doesn't have a national language. I agree that it's a pretty big sign of a poor schooling system that most Americans don't know that.

JillianJuneBug 39

If it makes you feel any better I didn’t know that either

Bad form to comment on someone's accent like that. YDI.