By dummy441 - 21/04/2009 03:14 - United States

Today, when I was walking in to the grocery store, a van pulls up and a bunch of guys get out who look really drunk. I jokingly said to the sober-looking man who had driven the van "Sucks you have to be the designated driver!" Turns out the "Drunk" guys were actually mentally challenged. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 789
You deserved it 68 176

Same thing different taste

Top comments

good thing they're mentally challenged or else he might have been really offended


Fllyleaf 0

Awwwhh. I suppose you did deserve that, but FYL anyway, because it's hard to figure out these things, and you can't read minds. (Well I can't, maybe you can.. :P)

Makinitez 0

Eh, I'm too funk to druck...

were u trying to be funny or something at the time... if so... fail

Oh, you totally deserved this shit. Hahahahaha!!!

KeriRox407 0

YDI for not minding your business. Though, it was an honest mistake. Some people just can't tell the difference between drunk, loud mouths and mentally challenged adults. At a grocery store. My advice: Don't open your mouth to speak unless asked! :P ~K

not an fml, dearest, i cant say that ur life is awful, nor that you deserved it... because theres really nothing to be deserved here

tiftif567 0

think before you speak if Its possible for you to think