Sounds iffy

By Anonymous - 02/02/2022 22:59

Today, I spent almost 1000$ on an ex girlfriend, not because I wanted to, I was court ordered. She had her child with a guy who was already married, and told the government that I was the father. This was 2 years after she stole my credit card and maxed it out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 101
You deserved it 139

Same thing different taste

Top comments

randybryant799 20

Wait. We're supposed to believe the court is making you pay child support without first doing a paternity test??? I think you'd better get a lawyer. I've never heard of such a thing.


randybryant799 20

Wait. We're supposed to believe the court is making you pay child support without first doing a paternity test??? I think you'd better get a lawyer. I've never heard of such a thing.

Pink_Turnips 14

this would be possible if his name was on the birth certificate. but if the baby was born years prior, i dont see how OP makes sense.

wysegirl 24

This does happen. I've heard it from some of the guys I've worked with over the years. Courts seem to favor the moms.. I've watched some good guys get destroyed because of this.

Glitterbaby2613 20

dude get a lawyer, and of you can't afford one just get one to do it for you pre bono

a DNA paternity test is cheeper. try it.

Look, even if everything was stacked against you; name on the birth cert, judge hates you, ex-gf lying - you should have immediately and continuously demanded a paternity test. If you 100% know it's not yours, counter sue. Slap a paternity test into the mix and see what happens.