By flattire - 30/03/2009 01:14 - Canada

Today, two really hot guys pulled up in a car next to mine. They were waving at me and pointing down, I figured they were being pigs so I flipped them off. Turns out they were trying to warn me of the flat tire I had. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 431
You deserved it 84 230

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Uh...yeah, YDI. :/ Don't always assume the worst, the cliche "makes an ass of u and me" exists for a reason.


agentibe 0

Maybe you shouldn't be such a stuck up bitch?

yeah i hate bitches but im hot so ican be one (:

@86, Your probably a physically appealing person, but according to your comment your a stuck up ******* ****. No, beauty doesn't give you the right to be a bitch. Nothing gives you the right to be a bitch.

Unfortunately there are pigs. I've had guys hold balls in a sack outside their car window and shout at me to look at their balls. I've had guys whistle at me and say, "damn girl." It can be kind of scary.

@99, although I appreciate your name, your comment makes me want to shit in your ******* cereal, because you are an overdramatic ass.


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This is what you get for being a ****.

Uh...yeah, YDI. :/ Don't always assume the worst, the cliche "makes an ass of u and me" exists for a reason.

In this case she's just making an ass out of herself.

Honestly, if one more person mentions the ******* 'assume' cliche I'm going to flip a shit. It happens to people because they're morons and don't ******* think shit through. Enough said.

You seem very passionate about what you're saying. Whether you're right or not, I'm sure there's a less profane way of stating what you feel.

wouldn't you be able to feel your tire going flat? I mean, it's pretty easy to feel when a tire is going down... unless i'm just a freak of nature or something... >.>

Nice guys do exist, and contrary to popular belief, are actually the majority.

Curtieeeez 0

Thankful women, ahhh, I love 'em (: YDI ._.