By Porkchop05 - 06/09/2009 05:44 - Canada

Today, trying to be sexy I was sucking on my boyfriends fingers. I was really starting to turn him on, when I noticed something crunchy in my mouth. Turns out, he went digging for treasure up his nose earlier. I found the treasure in my mouth. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 984
You deserved it 14 729

Same thing different taste

Top comments

YoshiTimex3 0

i never knew boogers are crunchy . though one time my brother had a booger in his finger nails & decided to flick it .. i was staring at him w/ my mouth open ... guess where it went ?


Poke_my_mon 0

Since when are boogers crunchy?

the crunchy ones are the best.. you know.. the ones that are dried up, flat, and stuck to the walls of your nostrils.

Poke_my_mon 0

Yeah, but as soon as it went into your mouth, your saliva would moisten in, causing it to be un crunchy.

Of the ten fingers you could suck, you had to choose his booger-grabber! Bad luck. Was it also bad luck in timing that you started the finger suck just after he picked his nose, or does he walk around all day with dried snot on his finger?

TripleG 0

YDI for sticking the giraffe dick in the cockapoo

Jee! I'm not easily grossed out, but that does it. And I'm eating breakfast.

Disgusting! You deserve it Yuck! You disgusting bitch

"Today trying to be sexy..." That's where I stopped reading. YDI

ughh. disgusting. I just vomited a little. FYL.