By Anonymous - 01/02/2018 19:00

Today, because I left my wallet at home, I got arrested for "underage smoking." I'm 32 years old. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 750
You deserved it 690

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Don’t worry; keep smoking and before long your face will look wrinkled and yellowed. You’ll be able to get the Seniors Discount long before you’re eligible. Score!

I get carded regularly for lottery (18) and booze (19) and I'm 34. Some people are babyfaced, and also a lot of people such as myself suck at telling ages. I could look at someone and go, "Yep... they're maybe between 14 and 45, who knows."


maybe It varies by state but where I live, you don't have to be 18 to use tobacco products, only to buy them. At my old highschool, freshman would smoke at lunch right in front of school police and they didn't bat an eye

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So like when you comment, do you actually think about it first or...?

Of course not! Where would the spontaneity be in that?!?!

the 16 people that dislikes this comment must be smokers! 😂😂🤣🤣

Shadowvoid 33

Or people who value their grandparents?

thekidneythief 7

******* preach it, thank you

either you have a serious baby face or the cop who arrested you is blind. 18 and 30 have very pretty obvious differences in what the body looks like

I don't know if that's entirely true because I'm going to be turning 30 soon and still easily get mistaken for someone in their late teens/early 20s.

I mean, I'm 21 and I look 12-16, depending on who you ask.

I get carded regularly for lottery (18) and booze (19) and I'm 34. Some people are babyfaced, and also a lot of people such as myself suck at telling ages. I could look at someone and go, "Yep... they're maybe between 14 and 45, who knows."

Don’t worry; keep smoking and before long your face will look wrinkled and yellowed. You’ll be able to get the Seniors Discount long before you’re eligible. Score!

Greatness Inc 12

Consider it a compliment on how young you look

I’m sorry, but what kind of an adult leaves the house without their wallet? For that reason YDI.

I didn't know you could get arrested for that. I thought it was just a ticket.

At least when you're in your fifties, you'll be mistaken for 30.

Lobby_Bee 17

If you didn't smoke, you would probably look like a really tall walking infant. Lmao