By stalked - 08/01/2014 20:27 - United States - Boca Raton

Today, to avoid a guy who's been creepily following me around school lately, I ducked into the girl's bathroom. After few minutes, he stuck his head in with his eyes closed and asked if I was done yet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 65 646
You deserved it 4 795

Same thing different taste

Top comments

RenoTheRhino 30

Tell a teacher or the principal. That could seriously escalate.


run op run run and don't look back lol

redangel2011 12

I had a guy like that. Turn him in before it escalates which it sounds like it will

Definitely tell an authority figure. Anything that you do to try to stop it yourself could be misconstrued but him as you playing hard to get, no matter how insane and illogical that may seem. If he's following you to this extend he's at least slightly delusional and needs help understanding that what he's doing is inappropriate under any circumstances and won't be tolerated. Best of luck and be safe OP

Report him, and be careful (avoid going to the bathroom on your own...)

KB616 11

You need to keep a log of every incident you've had with him. Record phone calls if it comes to that. Because what I've learned from past stalking cases is that the cops can't, or won't, do anything until it's too late if u just give them your word.

wildflawas 6

Tell someone, this guy could become dangerous!