By Bl6122 - 02/02/2017 21:00 - United States - Lafayette

Today, my mom received a condolence card from my high school's alumni association for my recent passing. I'm still alive! FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 159
You deserved it 707

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hahah the exclamation point at the end is just so funny to me, makes me picture you like breaking out into the song "Staying Alive" or something


jcash52426 5

Obviously his/her Mom know that the poster is alive unless they live together then I think she would have made a phone call

I hate it when my school principle becomes Nostradamus...

RIP and enjoy. You don't get a second chance in life.

maybe she told them that you're dead to her...

Hahah the exclamation point at the end is just so funny to me, makes me picture you like breaking out into the song "Staying Alive" or something

Is your name Casper, because if so, you may want to let this float by you a sec. You're dead.

Passing of all your classes that you killed...that's what they meant...

species4872 19

Don't argue, just start practicing your chain rattling and fading in and out.

Go to your high-school reunion in full Zombie make-up and try to eat their brainz!